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Daily Readings

Daily Scripture Readings, Troparion and Kontakion

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Holy Fathers

Selected quotes and teachings of the Holy Fathers

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Sayings of the Holy Fathers

"God immediately forgives everything to those who ask forgiveness in a spirit of humility and contrition and who ceaselessly invoke His Holy name. As the Psalmist says, 'Confess to the Lord and call upon His holy name' (cf. Ps. 105:1)."

From St. Gregory of Sinai.

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"You should be ready each day to receive all kinds of afflictions, regarding them as your release from many sins; and you should thank God for them.

"Through them you may acquire a close and unimpeachable communion with God, in accordance with St. Paul's words: 'Afflictions produce patient endurance; patient endurance, strength of character; and strength of character, hope; and hope does not disappoint' (Rom. 5:3-5)."

St. Symeon the New Theologian.

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"If God is slow in answering your request, and you ask but do not promptly receive anything, do not be upset, for you are not wiser than God.

"When you remain as you were before, without anything happening, it is either because your behaviour is not worthy of your request, or because the paths in which your heart was travelling were far removed from the aim of your prayer, or because your interior condition is far too childish, when compared with the magnitude of the thing for which you have asked."

From St. Isaac the Syrian.
